
26 juin 2019
Groupama Immobilier raises the banner of gender parity
On the occasion of the first edition of the Forum Immo Parité (“Real Estate Parity Forum”), organised by Immoweek on 26 June 2019, Groupama Immobilier entered its application as a responsible company with an active policy of gender parity.
Groupama Immobilier, a company with perfectly equal gender representation on its Executive Committee, took this opportunity to highlight its effective action for parity and diversity in a broad variety of areas: recruitment, onboarding, intergenerational sharing, communication, parental leave & benefits, and women’s representation in internal & external bodies.
The company’s score on the index defined by the French law on “Professional Future” is 91/100.
Groupama Immobilier will pursue and step up its actions to enable men and women to continue to develop their adaptability and leadership. These include training (leading to certificates) and work-from-home initiatives (with a “mobile work code”) for a better work-life balance.
Groupama Immobilier also aims to obtain the Gender Equality Label (Label Egalité professionnelle entre les hommes et les femmes). The company already uses the standard’s framework as a basis for defining its parity/diversity policy and for benchmarking purposes.
Through its policy of gender parity and diversity, Groupama Immobilier also promotes the strengths of each individual employee and guarantees everyone the same opportunities for career advancement.
Download the press kit on the gender equality index
Download the highlights of the discussions at the first Forum Immo Parité
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