groupamma immobilier



Groupama Immobilier implemented an innovative and adapted strategy that enables the various professions in our company to work together. We give employees the resources and leeway to innovate, take on new responsibilities, make progress and hone their skills – which in turn benefits our collective efficiency and performance.


Groupama Immobilier uses an innovative tool for recruitment purposes: EasyRecrue.

To follow up on an interesting CV and learn more about the applicant’s experience and interests, we invite him/her to record a few short video sequences. In other words, we’ve replaced shortlisting on the phone by video interviews.

An email invites the applicant to connect to a dedicated platform where he/she answers a few pre-recorded questions on video. This efficient and innovative tool improves the selection process and helps us identify the most promising recruits.

As an innovative, modern company, we are recruiting now the talent that will help us build our future success.

Interested? Take a look at our job openings.
